Network Co-ordinator: Hebe Barlow, [email protected]
Network Academic Lead: Dr Elena Theodorakopoulos, [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter: @WMidClassicsHub
The Birmingham and West Midlands Classics Network was launched in Spring 2018 to support new and existing classics teaching in state schools. We support a range of classical subjects, from Ancient Greek and Latin to classical civilisation and ancient history.
Thanks to the support of Classics for All, and a growing network of primary and secondary school teachers, classics is enjoying a resurgence in the region. Together we make a persuasive case for the place of classical subjects as part of a diverse and progressive twenty-first century curriculum.
After six years, we are thrilled at the response from regional schools:
- 87 schools - 49 primary and 38 secondary schools are currently part of our growing network and receive support to teach classical subjects.
- We have equipped over 700 teachers, many of whom had never studied classics before, to teach classical subjects through regular training and continuing professional development.
- We have introduced over 18,000 pupils to the classical world.
We have seen a large area of growth at Key Stage 2. 31 primary schools have adopted Latin as their main foreign language using the Minimus and Maximum Classics courses, and we're currently working to establish regular, long-term support for these pioneering teachers.
2023-4 will be all about making the most of the region’s burgeoning classics community by facilitating opportunities for mentoring, networking, and resource sharing between local schools. We are also keen to support innovative approaches to classics teaching at Key Stage 3 by developing materials that will enhance the curricula of subjects like English, history, and citizenship.
The network’s links to the Department of Classics, Ancient History, and Archaeology at the University of Birmingham and the local branch of the Classical Association provide additional ongoing support and enrichment, including an annual INSET day for teachers, a revision conference for sixth-formers, and regular public lectures from academics and public figures.
We are eager to hear from schools both with and without existing classics provision. Please get in touch for free advice, training, and ongoing support - whatever your needs - to ensure that classics thrives in the long term in your school.
We invite individual or corporate sponsorship of our regional networks. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch at [email protected].