The Indices for previous years can be found here:
2016: 2017: 2019: 2020: 2021
Contact Dr Peter Jones on [email protected] with any queries.
All the books reviewed in the Reading Room during 2018 are listed here.
Alphabetical Listing (2018):
Allen, D., Christesen, P. and Millet, P. (eds.) How to Do Things with History: New Approaches to Ancient Greece
Artley, A. (ed.) Ovid Amores II: A Selection
Ash, R. (ed.) Tacitus Annals XV
Ashdowne, R. & White, C. (eds) Latin in Medieval Britain
Azoulay, V. Tyrant Slayers of Ancient Athens: A Tale of Two Statues
Barchiesi, A. (tr. by Marchesi, I. and Fox, M.) Homeric Effects in Vergil’s Narrative
Barton, W.M. The Pervigilium Veneris: A New Critical Text, Translation and Commentary
Battezzato, L. (ed.) Euripides Hecuba
Berrey, M. Hellenistic Science at Court
Berti, I., Bolle, K., Opdenhoff, F. and Stroth, F. (eds.) Writing Matters: Presenting and Perceiving Monumental Inscriptions in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Bland, R. Coin Hoards and Hoarding in Roman Britain AD 43-C.498
Boin, D. A Social and Cultural History of Late Antiquity
Boyd, B. Ovid’s Homer: Authority, Repetition, Reception
Brown, A. Aeschylus Libation Bearers: Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary
Brügger, C. (ed.) Homer’s Iliad: The Basel Commentary Book XVI
Brunn, C. and Edmonson, J. The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy
Budelmann, F. (ed.) Greek Lyric: A Selection
Budelmann, F. and Phillips, T. Textual Events; Performance and Lyric in Early Greece
Christensen, J. and Robinson, E. The Homeric Battle of the Frogs and Mice
Cole, M. Legion versus Phalanx: The Epic Struggle for Infantry Supremacy in the Ancient World
Cormack, R. Byzantine Art (2nd edition)
Cox, F. Ovid’s Presence in Contemporary Women’s Writings: Strange Monsters
Davies, P.J.E. Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome
Dolansky, F. and Raucci, S. Rome: A Sourcebook on the Ancient City
Drake, H.A. A Century of Miracles; Christians, Pagans, Jews, and the Supernatural, 312-410
Duplouy, A. and Brock, R. (eds.) Defining Citizenship in Archaic Greece
Edwards, M. Religions of the Constantinian Age
Elkins, N.Y. The Image of Political Power in the Reign of Nerva, AD 96-98
Elsner, J. The Art of the Roman Empire: AD 100-450 (2nd edn.)
Emerson, M. (2nd edn.) Greek Sanctuaries and Temple Architecture; An Introduction
Erskine, A., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Wallace, S. The Hellenistic Court: Monarchic Power and Elite Society from Alexander to Cleopatra
Ferris, I. The Mirror of Venus: Women in Roman Art
Ferris, I. Cave Canem: Animals and Roman Society
Fitzgerald, W. and Spentzou, E. (eds.) The Production of Space in Latin Literature
Fountoulakis, A. Markantonatos, A. and Vasilaros, G. Critical Perspectives on Greek Tragedy and Comedy
Fratantuono, L. Tacitus Annals XVI
Freeman, P. (tr.) How to Be a Friend: An Ancient Guide to True Friendship – Marcus Tullius Cicero
Gazis , G.A. Homer and the Poetics of Hades
Geue, T. Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity
Gildenhard, I. and Revermann, M., (eds.) Beyond the Fifth Century: Interactions with Greek Tragedy from the Fourth Century BCE to the Middle Ages
Gillespie, C.C. Boudica: Warrior Woman of Roman Britain
Gillespie, R. Newly Recovered English Classical Translations 1600-1800
Godwin, J. (ed.) Horace Odes: A Selection
Godwin, J. (ed.) Juvenal Satires Book IV
Goldsworthy, A. Hadrian’s Wall: Rome and the Limits of the Empire
Griffin M.T., ed. by Balmaceda, C. Politics and Philosophy at Rome: Collected Papers
Harris, E.M., Lewis, D.M. and Woolmer, M. The Ancient Greek Economy: Markets, Households and City-States
Haywood, J. and Mac Sweeney, N. Homer’s Iliad and the Trojan War: Dialogues on Tradition
Hoenig, C. Plato’s Timaeus and the Latin Tradition
Holmes-Henderson, A., Hunt, S., and Musié, M. (eds.) Forward with Classics: Classical Languages in Schools and Communities
Hornblower, S. Lykophron, Alexandra, Rome and the Hellenistic World
Hornblower, S. and Pelling, C. (eds.) Herodotus Book VI
Hughes, J. Votive Body Parts in Greek and Roman Religion
Hunt, P. Ancient Greek and Roman Slavery
Hunter, R. The Measure of Homer: The Ancient Reception of the Iliad and the Odyssey
Jones, P. Memento Mori: What the Romans can tell Us about Old Age and Death
Jouanna, J. tr. by Steven Rendall Sophocles: A Study of his Theater in its Political and Social Context
Kapparis, K. Prostitution in the Ancient Greek World
Karamanou, I. Euripides Alexandros: Introduction, Text and Commentary
Keeline, T.J. The Reception of Cicero in the Early Roman Empire: The Rhetorical Schoolroom and the Creation of a Cultural Legend
Krieter-Spiro, Martha (ed.), tr. by Millis, B.W. and Strack, S. Homer’s Iliad : The Basel Commentary, Book XIV
Kristiansen, K., Lindkvist, T. and Myrdal, J. (eds.) Trade and Civilisation: Economic Networks and Cultural Ties, from Prehistory to the Early Modern Era
Lamari, A. A. Reperforming Greek Tragedy: Theater, Politics, and Cultural Mobility in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BC
Larsen, L.L. and Rubenson, S.(eds.) Monastic Education in Late Antiquity: The Transformation of Classical Paideia
Laurence, R. and Newsome, D.J. (eds.) Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movment and Space
Lenihan, P. and Sidwell, K. Poema de Hibernia: A Jacobite Latin Epic on the Williamite Wars
Long, A.A. (tr. and intro.) How to be Free: An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life – Epictetus
MacDonald, M. J. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies
Mac Sweeney, N. Troy: Myth, City and Icon
Manning, J.G. The Open Sea: The Economic Life of the Ancient Mediterranean World from the Iron Age to the Rise of Rome
Marmodoro A. and Cartwright S. (eds.) A History of Mind and Body in Late Antiquity
Martin, G. Euripides Ion: Edition and Commentary
Matyszak, P. The Greeks
Mensch, P. (tr.) and Miller, J. (ed.) Lives of the Eminent Philosophers: Diogenes Laertius
Mitford, T.B. East of Asia Minor – Rome’s Hidden Frontier
Montiglio, S. The Myth of Hero and Leander: The History and Reception of an Enduring Greek Legend
Morley, N. Classics: Why It Matters
Murgatroyd, P. Juvenal’s Tenth Satire
Murgia, C.E. and Kaster, R.A. (eds.) Serviani in Vergili Aeneidos libros IX-XII commentarii
Murnaghan, S. and Roberts, D.H. Childhood and the Classics: Britain and America, 1850-1965
Mynott, J. Birds in the Ancient World: Winged Words
Naiden, F.S. and Talbert, R.J.A. (eds.) Mercury’s Wings: Exploring Modes of Communication in the Ancient World
Osborne, R. The Transformation Of Athens: Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical Greece
Osborne, R. and Rhodes, P.J. Greek Historical Inscriptions 478-404 BC
Osgood, J. Rome and the Making of a World State
Powell, A. and Hardie, P. (eds.) The Ancient Lives of Virgil: Literary and Historical Studies
Pritchard, D.M. Athenian Democracy at War
Pulleyn, S. Homer Odyssey 1: Edited with Introduction, Translation, Commentary and Glossary
Quint, D. Virgil’s Double Cross: Design and Meaning in the Aeneid
Raphael, F. Antiquity Matters
Ready, J.L. The Homeric Simile in Comparative Perspectives: Oral Traditions from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia
Richlin, A. Slave Theater in the Roman Republic: Plautus and Popular Comedy
Rhodes, P. Periclean Athens
Riley, K., Blanshard, A.J.L., and Manny, I. (eds.) Oscar Wilde and Classical Antiquity
Roller, D.W. A Historical and Topographical Guide to the Geography of Strabo
Romm, J.S. How to Die: An Ancient Guide to the End of Life by Seneca the Younger
Rüpke, Jörg (tr. by David M. B. Richardson) Pantheon: A New History of Roman Religion
Sarri, A. Material Aspects of Letter Writing in the Graeco-Roman World 500 BC – AD 300
Scheidel, W. (ed.) The Science of Roman History: Biology, Climate and the Future of the Past
Sessa, K. Daily Life in Late Antiquity
Shaw, C. A. Euripides Cyclops: A Satyr Play
Sheehan, S. A Guide to Reading Herodotus’ Histories
Shipley, L. The Etruscans: Lost Civilizations
Smith, A., Allen, M., Brindle, T., Fulford, M., Lodwick, L. and Rohnbogner, A. Life and Death in the Countryside of Roman Britain
Sorek S., Ancient Historians: A Student Handbook
Southern, P. Julius Caesar: A Life
Spawforth, T. The Story of Greece and Rome
Spivey, N. The Sarpedon Krater: The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase
Stöckinger, M., Winter, K. and Zanker, A.T. (eds.) Horace and Seneca: Interactions, Intertexts, Interpretation
Sutton, D. Antoine Introducing A.E. Housman (1859-1936): Preliminary Studies
Stuttard, D. Nemesis: Alcibiades and the Fall of Athens
Stuttard, D.(ed.), Looking at Antigone
Symonds, M. Protecting the Roman Empire: Fortlets, Frontiers, and the Quest for Post-Conquest Security
Tanfield, C. Cicero Philippic II: A Selection
Thumiger, C. A History of the Mind and Mental Health in Classical Greek Medical Thought
Tomlin, R.S.O. Britannia Romana: Roman Inscriptions and Roman Britain
Verity, A. with Intro. and Notes by William Allan The Odyssey – Homer: A new translation
Vout, C. Classical Art: A Life History from Antiquity to the Present
Wallace-Hadrill, A. Augustan Rome (2nd edn.)
Warren, R. Art Nouveau and the Classical Tradition
Waterfield, R. Creators, Conquerors and Citizens: A History of Ancient Greece
Wilson, A. and Bowman, A. (eds.) Trade, Commerce, and the State in the Roman World
Ypsilanti, M. The Epigrams of Crinagoras of Mytilene: Introduction, Text, Commentary
Yona, S. Epicurean Ethics in Horace: The Psychology of Satire
Zuckerberg, D. Not all Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age