We offer support throughout the year. If you want our help to introduce or develop a classical subject in your school, all you need to do is:
STEP ONE: Check that you are eligible by reading our guidelines below
STEP TWO: Consult colleagues about your plans and get their support.
STEP THREE: Send a brief email to [email protected], with this completed application form
STEP FOUR: We will get in touch with you to discuss your proposal and will advise you on next steps.
Our Guidelines
We will support:
- individual or clusters of state primary and secondary schools based in the UK.
- work that will benefit young people aged 18 and under in state schools.
The support we offer is free and includes where appropriate:
- initial advice.
- initial training, Continuing Professional Development and a contribution to any cover costs incurred.
- ongoing support and mentoring.
- a modest contribution to resources and books.
We do not support:
- large-scale purchase of textbooks or course materials. If you need a small grant for these purposes please apply to the (www.romansociety.org) or the Hellenic Society (www.hellenicsociety.org.uk).
- the continuation of existing work.
- the costs of permanent teaching staff.
- grants for individuals, including bursaries.
- projects that benefit the independent education sector.
- projects outside the UK, including overseas expeditions and travel.
- general appeals or circulars.
- work that has already taken place.