The Indices for previous years can be found here:
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Contact Dr Peter Jones on [email protected] with any queries.
All the books reviewed in the Reading Room during 2022 are listed here.
Recent Additions:
Thonemann, P. The Lives of Ancient Villages: Rural Society in Roman Anatolia
Dionisotti, A.C. Expositio Notarum
Neils, J. and Palagia, O. (edd.) From Kallias to Kritias: |Art in Athens in the Second Half of the Fifth Century B.C.
Balmaceda, C. Virtus Romana: Politics and Morality in the Roman Historians
Fulford, M. The Emperor Nero's Pottery and Tilery at Little London, Pamber, By Silchester, Hampshire. The Excavations of 2017
Alphabetical Listing (2022):
Alexandrou, M., Carey, C. and D’Alessio, G.B. Song Regained: Working with Greek Poetic Fragments
Balmaceda, C. Virtus Romana: Politics and Morality in the Roman Historians
Barton, W.M. (ed. and tr.) Pascasius Justus Turcq: On Gambling
Beaton, R. The Greeks: A Global History
Beatty, L. Looking for Theophrastus: Travels in Search of a Lost Philosopher
Beckman, M. The Column of Marcus Aurelius: The Genesis and Meaning of a Roman Imperial Monument
Boyle, F.P., Chapman, S.A., Goud, D., Hendrickson, T.G., Karmali, S., Leininger, K., Stern, J.A., Wilson-Bivera, A. (eds.) Isotta Nogarola's Defense of Eve: A Latin Text of the De Pari aut Impari Evae atque Adae Peccato with Running Vocabulary and Commentary
Bundrick, S.D. Athens, Etruria, and the Many Lives of Greek Figured Pottery
Cambridge School Classics Project: Cambridge Latin Course: Book I (with digital access, 5 years)
Campbell, B. Rivers and the Power of Ancient Rome
Chrystal, P. A Historical Guide to Roman York
Clay, D. and Brusuelas, J.H. (ed.) Lucian, True History
Dal Largo, E. and Katsari, C. (eds.) Slave Systems: Ancient and Modern
De Keyser, J., Humble, N. and Sidwell, K. (edd. and tr.) On Books: Henri Estienne
Diggle, J. (ed.) Theophrastus Characters
Dionisotti, A.C. Expositio Notarum
Dunn, D. Not Far From Brideshead: Oxford Between the Wars
Elliott, S. Ancient Greeks at War: Warfare in the Classical World from Agamemnon to Alexander
Evans, R. and Tougher, S. (eds.) Generalship in Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium
Falconer, R. Seamus Heaney, Virgil and the Good of Poetry
Finglass, P. and Kelly, A. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Sappho
Fontaine, M. (trans. and intro.) How to Grieve: An Ancient Guide to the Lost Art of Consolation: Inspired by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Forsyth, F. The Third Daughter: Grief, Survival and Intrigue in Ancient Rome
Freeman, Philip (tr. and intro.) How To Tell A Story: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Storytelling for Writers and Readers: Aristotle
Fulford, M. The Emperor Nero's Pottery and Tilery at Little London, Pamber, By Silchester, Hampshire. The Excavations of 2017
Godwin, J. Juvenal Satires Book III
Goldhill, S. What Is a Jewish Classicist? Essays on the Personal Voice and Disciplinary Politics
Graver, M. and Long, A.A. (Trans., Intro. and Comm.) Seneca: Fifty Letters of a Roman Stoic
Hamilton, J.T. Complacency: Classics and Its Displacement in Higher Education
Hands up Education, Suburani: A Latin Reading Course: Book 1 & Suburani: A Latin Reading Course: Book 2
Hunt, S. Teaching Latin: Contexts, Theories, Practices
Hunter, R. Greek Epitaphic Poetry: A Selection
Jansen, L. (ed.) Anne Carson/Antiquity
Joseph, T.A. Thunder and Lament: Lucan on the Beginnings and Ends of Epic
Kamen, D. and Marshall, C.W. (eds.) Slavery and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity
Kershaw, S.P. Three Epic Battles that Saved Democracy
Konijnendijk, R., Kucewicz, C. and Lloyd, M. (eds.) Brill's Companion to Greek Land Warfare beyond the Phalanx
Lacey, J. Rome: Strategy of Empire
Lanza, D. and Ugolini, G. (tr. by Lettieri, A.) History of Classical Philology: From Bentley to the 20th century
Lee, J.W.I. The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert
Mackenzie, C.K. Pocket GCSE Latin Etymological Lexicon
Mayor, A. Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, and Scorpion Bombs: Unconventional Warfare in the Ancient World
Manuwald, G. and Nicholas, L.R. (eds.) An Anthology Of Neo-Latin Literature In British Universities
Markantonatos, Andreas (ed., two volumes) Brill’s Companion to Euripides
McKie, S. Living and Cursing in the Roman West: Curse Tablets and Society
Morstein-Marx, R. Julius Caesar and the Roman People
Mount, H. and Davie, J. Et Tu Brute: The Best Latin Lines EverNeils, J. and Palagia, O. (edd.) From Kallias to Kritias: |Art in Athens in the Second Half of the Fifth Century B.C.
Nevin, S. The Idea of Marathon: Battle and Culture
Olson, S.D. Aristophanes' Clouds
Osgood, J. (tr. and comm.) How To Stop a Conspiracy: An Ancient Guide to Saving a Republic – Sallust
Osgood, J. Uncommon Wrath: Caesar, Cato, and the Quarrel that Ended the Roman Republic
Pelling, C. (ed.) Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War Book VI
Pelling, C. (ed.) Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War Book VII
Perring, D. London in the Roman World
Porter, J.I. Homer: The Very Idea
Rees, O. Military Departures, Homecomings and Death in Classical Athens: Hoplite Transitions
Roller, D.W. A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder
Romm, J.S. (ed.) How to Have a Life: An Ancient Guide to Using your Time Wisely – Seneca
Rubincam, C. Quantifying Mentalities: The Use of Numbers by Ancient Greek Historians
Schein, S.L. (ed.) Homer Iliad Book 1
Schofield, M. Cicero: Political Philosophy
Stelow, A.R. Menelaus in the Archaic Period: Not Quite the Best of the Achaeans
Stoodley, N. and Cosh, S.R. The Romano-British Villa and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Eccles, Kent
Stothard, P. Crassus: The First Tycoon
Thonemann, P. The Lives of Ancient Villages: Rural Society in Roman Anatolia
Turner, B. and Talbert, R.J.A. (trans.) Pliny the Elder’s World: Natural History, Books 2-6
Ugolini, F. Visualizing Harbours in the Classical World: Iconography and Representation Around the Mediterranean
Usher, M.D. (trans. and comm.) How to Say No: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Cynicism – Diogenes and the Cynics
Waterfield, R. (ed. and trans.) Epictetus: The Complete Works—Handbook, Discourses & Fragments
Watts, E.J. The Eternal Decline and Fall of Rome: The History of a Dangerous Idea
Woodman, A.J. (ed.) Horace Odes Book III