Classics for All supports state schools across the UK, many in areas of socio-economic disadvantage, to introduce or develop the teaching of classical subjects sustainably on the curriculum or as an after school activity.
While some schools come to us directly for support, we also work through our 17 regional classics networks to target schools in areas of low social mobility. This ensures that pupils in schools with no tradition of classics benefit from the programme.
- Advice: We advise schools on the teaching of Latin, Greek, ancient history and classical civilisation on or off the school timetable.
- Continuing Professional Development: We offer free training Continuing Professional Development for teachers in schools wishing to introduce classics or to extend existing classics provision.
- Mentoring: After initial training, our regional classics networks offer teachers continued mentoring to ensure that classics teaching is sustained.
- Resources: We develop stimulating and engaging resources to support the teaching of classics.
- Advocacy: We make the case for classics with state schools, policymakers and donors.
- Research and evaluation: We review data from schools to improve our services and commission research into the impact of classics on pupils’ aspiration and attainment.
"We find it particularly difficult to engage boys in literacy, however you provided us with a brilliant role model, and as a result, they are hooked. We even have some of ‘hard to reach’ boys saving up their pocket money and spending it on abridged versions of the Odyssey!” - Primary School Teacher, University of Durham Classics Network.