The Indices for previous years can be found here:
2017: 2018: 2019: 2020: 2021
Contact Dr Peter Jones on [email protected] with any queries.
All the books reviewed in the Reading Room during 2016 are listed here.
Alphabetical Listing:
Acton, P. Poiesis: Manufacturing in Classical Athens
Adams, J.N. and Vincent, N (eds.) Early and Late Latin: Continuity or Change?
Adams, M. Teaching Classics in English Schools, 1500-1840
Adamson, P. Classical Philosophy
Augoustakis, A. (ed.) Flavian Epic
Ahrensdorf, P.J. Homer on the Gods and Human Virtue: Creating the Foundations of Classical Civilisation
Allen-Hornblower, E. From Agent to Spectator
Alston, R. Rome’s Revolution: Death of the Republic and Birth of the Empire
Archibald, E., Brockliss, W. and Gnoza, J. eds. Learning Latin and Greek from Antiquity to the Present
Armstrong, J. War and Society in Early Rome: From Warlords to Generals
Bagnall, R.S. and Cribiore, R. Women’s Letters from Ancient Egypt: 300 BC – AD 800
Bailey, L.K. The Religious Worlds of the Laity in Late Antique Gaul
Bakogianni, A. and Hope, V.M. War as Spectacle
Baltussen, H. ed. Greek and Roman Consolations: Eight Studies Of A Tradition And Its Aftermath
Banchich, T.M. The Lost History of Peter the Patrician
Barrett, A.A. Caligula: The Abuse of Power
Barrett A.A., Fantham, E. and Yardley, J.C. (eds.) The Emperor Nero: A Guide to the Ancient Sources
Bartsch, S. Persius: A Study in Food, Philosophy and the Figural
Bassi, K. Traces of the Past: Classics between History and Archaeology
Beard, M. SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
Beaulieu, Marie-Claire The Sea in the Greek Imagination
Beck, H. and Funke, P. (eds) Federalism in Greek Antiquity
Bierl, A. and Latacz, J. eds. Homer’s Iliad: The Basel Commentary: Prolegomena
Biles, Z.P. and Olson, S.D. (eds.) Aristophanes Wasps
Bleicken, J. Augustus: The Biography
Blessington, F. (tr.) Trojan Women, Helen, Hecuba: Three Plays about Women and the Trojan War
Booms, D. and Higgs, P. Sicily: Culture And Conquest British Museum 2016
Bowden, H. Alexander the Great: A Very Short Introduction
Bradford, A.S. War: Antiquity and its Legacy
Bradley, M. Smell and the Ancient Senses
Braund, S. Seneca: Oedipus
Breeze, D. The Roman Army
Bresson, A. The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets and Growth in the City-States
Brett, M. and Stevens, B.E. Classical Traditions in Science Fiction
Briers, B. Cleopatra’s Needles
Broodbank, C. The Making of the Middle Sea
Brunelle, C.M. ed. Ovid: Ars Amatoria Book 3—A Commentary
Budin, S.L. Artemis
Burgess, J.S. Homer
Bubelis, W.S. Hallowed Stewards: Solon and the sacred treasurers of Athens
Butler, S. (ed.) Deep Classics: Re-thinking Classical Reception
Cairns, F. Hellenistic Epigram: Contexts of Exploration
Campbell, G.L. ed. The Oxford Book of Animals in Classical Thought and Life
Campbell, M., and others (eds.) OCR Anthology for Classical Greek AS and A Level
Canevaro, L.G. Hesiod’s Works and Days: How to Teach Self-Sufficiency
Carlà, F. and Berti, I. (eds.) Ancient Magic and the Supernatural in the Modern Visual and Performing Arts
Cartledge, P. Democracy: A Life
Caston, Victor and Silke-Maria Weineck (edd.) Our Ancient Wars: Rethinking War through the Classics.
Chiu, A. Ovid’s Women of the Year: Narratives of Roman Identity in the Fasti
Chrystal, P. Women in Ancient Rome
Clark, C.A., Foster E., and Hallett, J.P. Kinesis: The Ancient Depiction of Gesture, Motion, and Emotion
Cline, E.H. 1177 BC: The Year Civilisation Collapsed
Cohen, E. Athenian Prostitution: The Business of Sex
Colesanti, G. and Lulli, L. (eds.) Submerged Literature in Ancient Greek Culture, Vol. 2: Case Studies
Compton-Eagle, G. Costume in the Comedies of Aristophanes
Conte, B.G. Critical Notes on Virgil: Editing the Teubner Text of the Georgics and the Aeneid
Coray, M. (ed.) Homer’s Iliad Book 19: The Basel Commentary
Cueva, E.P. and Byrne, S.N. (eds.) A Companion to the Ancient Novel
Cullhed, A. The Shadow of Creusa: Negotiating Fictionality in Late Antique Latin Literature
Dainotti, P. Word Order and Expressiveness in the Aeneid
Davies, M. and Finglass, P.J. eds. Stesichorus: The Poems
Decker, M.J. The Byzantine Dark Ages
Dickey, E. An Introduction to the Composition and Analysis of Greek Prose
Dickey, E. Learning Latin the Ancient Way
Dillon, M. and Garland, L. Ancient Rome: Social and Historical Documents from the Early Republic to the Death of Augustus
Dover, K.J. Greek Homosexuality (3rd edition)
Dressler, A. Personification and the Feminine in Roman Philosophy
Drogula, F.K. Commanders and Command in the Roman Republic and Early Empire
Du Bois, P. Sappho (Understanding Classics)
Du Plessis, P.J., Ando, C. and Tuori, K. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Law and Society
Dutsch, D., James, S.L. and Konstan, D. (eds.) Women in Roman Republican Drama
Dutsch, D. and Suter, A. (eds.) Ancient Obscenities: Their Nature and Use in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds
Eaton-Krauss, M. The Unknown Tutankhamun
Ehrman, B.D. After the New Testament: A Reader in Early Christianity 100-300 CE
Enderwitz, S. and Sauer, R. Communication and Materiality: Written and Unwritten Communication in Pre-Modern Societies
Ewald, B.C. and Norena, C.F. (eds.) The Emperor and Rome: Space, Representation, and Ritual
Fantham, E., Hine, H.M., Ker, J. and Williams, G.D. tr. Hardship and Happiness: Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Fantuzzi, M. and Tsagalis, C. The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception
Fejfer, J., Moltesen, M. and Rathje, A. Tradition: Transmission of Culture in the Ancient World
Finglass, P.J. and Kelly, A. Stesichorus in Context Holmes, B. and Fischer, K-D. (eds.) Frontiers of Ancient Science: Essays in Honour of Heinrich von Staden
Fisher, N. and van Wees, H. (eds.) Aristocracy in Antiquity: Redefining Greek and Roman Elites
Foley, H.P. Euripides: Hecuba
Fitzgerald, S.F. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity
Frangoulidis, S., Harrison, S.J., and Manuwald, G. (eds.) Roman Drama and its Contexts
Fratantuono, L. Ovid Metamorphoses X
Freeman, P. (tr. and intro.), Cicero On How to Grow Old
Fulford, M. and Holbrook, N. (eds.) The Towns of Roman Britain: The Contribution of Commercial Archaeology since 1990
Fulkerson, L.: Ovid: A Poet on the Margins
Fulkerson L, and Stover, T. (eds.) Repeat Performances: Ovidian Repetition and the Metamorphoses
Fuller, R. Beasts and God: How Democracy Changed its Meaning and lost its Purpose
Gambash, G. Rome and Provincial Resistance
Glazebrook, A. and Tsakirgis, B. (eds.) Houses of Ill Repute: The Archaeology of Brothels, Houses, and Taverns in the Greek World
Godwin, J. Ovid: Heroides (selection)
Godley, Aluredus D. (Ed.), Q. Horati Flacci Carminum Librum Quintum
Graf, F: Roman Festivals in the Greek East: From the Early Empire to the Middle Byzantine Era
Graver, M. and Long, A.A. Seneca: Letters on Ethics to Lucilius
Grig, L. and Kelly, G. (eds) Two Romes: Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity
Grubbs, J.E. and Parkin, T. with Bell, R. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in the Ancient World
Gunderson, E. Laughing Awry—Plautus and Tragicomedy
Gwynn, D.M. Christianity in Late Roman Empire: A Sourcebook
Haggis, D.C. and Antonaccio, C.M. Classical Archaeology in Context: Theory and Practice in Excavation in the Greek World
Hall, J.M. Artifact and Artifice: Classical Archaeology and the Ancient Historian
Hammond, M. (tr.) Homer, The Odyssey
Hansen, M. H. Reflections on Aristotle’s Politics
Hard, R. (tr.) Eratosthenes and Hyginus: Constellation Myths, with Aratus’ Phaenomena
Harding, P. Athens Transformed 404-262 BC: From Popular Sovereignty to the Dominion of Wealth
Harris, R. Dictator
Harris, W.V. Roman Power: A Thousand Years of Empire
Harrison, S.J. Framing The Ass: Literary Texture In Apuleius’ Metamorphoses
Harvey, B.K. Daily Life in Ancient Rome
Haselgrove, C. (ed.) Cartimandua’s Capital? The late Iron Age royal site at Stanwick, North Yorkshire: fieldwork and analysis 1981-2011
Heaney, S. (tr.) Aeneid VI
Heerink, M.A.J. Echoing Hylas: A Study in Hellenistic and Roman Metapoetics
Hejduk, J.D. (tr. and comm.) Ovid: The Offense of Love
Holland, T. Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar
Holt, F.L. The Treasures of Alexander the Great: How One Man’s Wealth Shaped the World
Hood, J. How to Win a Chariot Race
Hood, J. The Classics Magpie
Hornblower, S. and Spawforth, A., asst. ed. Eidenow, E. (eds., 2nd ed.) The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilisation
Hornblower, S. (ed., text, tr., comm. and intro.) Lykophron: Alexandra
Horsfall, N. The Epic Distilled: Studies in the Composition of the Aeneid
Houghton, H.A.G. The Latin New Testament: A Guide to Its Early History, Texts and Manuscripts
Houston, G.W. Inside Roman Libraries: Book Collections and their Management
Hoyos, D. Mastering the West: Rome and Carthage at War
Hunt, S. Starting to Teach Latin
Hunter, R. Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica Book IV
Hunter, R. and Oakley, S.P. (eds.) Latin Literature and its Transmission: Papers in Honour of Michael Reeve
Inamura, K. Justice and Reciprocity in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy
Jenkins, I. with Farge, C. and Turner, V. Defining Beauty: the Body in Ancient Greek Art
Jenkins, T. Keeping their Marbles
Jenkyns, R. Classical Literature
Johnson, D. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Roman Law
Johnson, M. Ovid on Cosmetics: Medicamina Faciei Femineae and Related Texts
Jones, P. Eureka! Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the Ancient Greeks (but were Afraid to Ask)
Joshel, S.R. and Petersen, L.H. The Material Life of Roman Slaves
Kadare, I. A Girl in Exile
Kaldellis, A. Byzantine Readings of Ancient Historians: Texts in Translation
Kanavou, M. The Names of Homeric Heroes
Kania, R. Virgil’s Eclogues and the Art of Fiction
Kay, P. Rome’s Economic Revolution
Keane, C. Juvenal and the Satiric Emotions
Kenney, E.J. Lucretius, De Rerum Natura Book 3
Kiss, D. What Catullus wrote: Problems in Textual Criticism, Editing and the Manuscript Tradition
Knippschild, S. and Morcillo, M.G. Seduction and Power: Antiquity in the Visual and Performing Arts
Knox, P.E. and McKeown, J.C. eds. The Oxford Anthology of Roman Literature
Koloski-Ostrow, A.O. The Archaeology of Sanitation in Roman Italy: Toilets, Sewers and Water Systems
Konaris, M. D. The Greek Gods in Modern Scholarship
Kraus, C.S. and Stray, C. (eds.) Classical Commentaries: Explorations in a Scholarly Genre
Krieter-Spiro, M. Homer Iliad III
Kristensen, T.M. and Stirling, L. (eds.) The Afterlife of Greek and Roman Sculpture: Late Antique responses and practices
Kyriakou, P. and Rengakos, A. (eds.) Wisdom and Folly in Euripides
Lamascus L.D. The Poverty of Eros in Plato’s Symposium
Lamers, H. and Reitz-Joosse, B. (eds.) The Codex Mussolini: A Latin Text of Italian Fascism
Leão, D.M. and Rhodes, P.J. The Laws of Solon
Leary, T.J. (ed.) Symphosius: The Aenigmata
Leary, T.J. (ed.) Martial: Book xiii
Leary, T.J. (ed.) Martial: Book xiv
Lee, M.M. Body, Dress and Identity in Ancient Greece
Lefkowitz, M. Euripides and the Gods
Lefkowitz, M. and Fant, M.B. Women’s Life In Greece And Rome
Levick, B. Catiline
Levick, B. Faustina I And II
Ley, G. Acting Greek Tragedy
Ley, G. Ancient Greek and Contemporary Performance: Collected Essays
Lightfoot, J. (ed. and tr.) Hellenistic Collection: Philitas, Alexander of Aetolia, Hermesianax, Euphorion, Parthenius
Lindner, M.M. Portraits of the Vestal Virgins, Priestesses of Ancient Rome
Lockwood, T. and Samaras, T. (ed.) Aristotle’s Politics: A Critical Guide
Logue, C. War Music: An account of Homer’s Iliad
Lombardo, Stanley (trans.) Sappho, Complete poems and fragments
Lushkov, A.H. Magistracy and the Historiography of the Roman Republic
Maclean, S. (tr. with notes) Martial: Selected Epigrams
Maclennan, K. Virgil: Aeneid VIII (selection)
Maclennan, K. and Stockert, W. (ed. with intro., trans. and comm.) Plautus: Aulularia
Mairs, R, and Muratov, M. Archaeologists, Tourists, Interpreters
Maltby, R. (ed. intro, tr. and comm.) Terence: Phormio
Mansel, P. Aleppo: The Rise and Fall of Syria’s Great Merchant City
Manuwald, G. (ed.) Valerius Flaccus: Argonautica Book III
March, J. Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Marconi, C. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture
Marek, C. In The Land of a Thousand Gods: A History of Asia Minor in the Ancient World
Marmodoro, A. Aristotle On Perceiving Objects
Master, J. Provincial Soldiers and Imperial Instability in the Histories of Tacitus
Mastronarde, D. The Art of Euripides
Maunder, E. (ed.) Seneca Letters: A Selection
Maurizio, L. Classical Mythology in Context
May, J.L. How to Win an Argument: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Persuasion – Marcus Tullius Cicero
McCarter, S. Horace Between Freedom And Slavery: The First Book of Epistles
McDowell, J. (tr.) Plato, Theaetetus
McKeown, J.C. and Smith, J.M. The Hippocrates Code
Meineck, P. (tr. with notes) Sophocles’ Philoctetes
Miller, J. (ed.) The Reception of Aristotle’s Ethics
Millett, M., Revell, L. and Moore, A. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain
Mitchell, T. Democracy’s Beginning: The Athenian Story
Meinel, F. Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy
Moatti, C. (tr. by Janet Lloyd) The Birth of Critical Thinking on Republican Rome
Moignard, E. Master of Attic Black Figure Painting: The Art and Legacy of Exekias
Monrós-Gaspar, L. Victorian Classical Burlesques: A Critical Anthology
Moormann, E. Pompeii’s Ashes
Moreno, A. and Thomas, R. (eds.) Patterns of the Past
Morgan, T. Roman Faith and Christian Faith: Pistis and Fides in the Early Roman Empire and the Early Churches
Morwood, J. and Anderson, S. A Little Greek Reader
Morwood, J. Hadrian
Mount, H. Harry Mount’s Odyssey: Ancient Greece in the Footsteps of Odysseus
Mulroy, D. tr. with introduction and notes Aeschylus: Agamemnon
Mulroy, D. Sophocles Antigone: A Verse Translation with Introduction and Notes
Nesselrath, H-G. Iulianus Augustus: Opera
Newby, Z. Greek Myths in Roman Art and Culture: imagery, values and identity in Italy, 50 BC-AD 250
Nichols, K. Greece and Rome at Crystal Palace
Nikkanen, A. Propertius, Tibullus and Ovid (selection)
Nikolsky, B. Misery and Forgiveness in Euripides: Meaning and Structure in the Hippolytus
Nisbet, G. (tr.) Martial: Epigrams, with Latin Text
Ober, J. The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece
Oniga, R. Latin: A Linguistic Introduction
Orrells, D. Sex: Antiquity and its Legacy
Osgood, J. Turia: A Roman Woman’s Civil War
Östenberg, I., Malmberg, S. and Bjørnebye, J. (eds.) The Moving City
Parker, D. (tr.) and Moore, T.J. (ed.) Aristophanes & Menander: Three Comedies
Parker, J. A Latin Legacy
Parker, L.P.E. (ed.), Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris
Parsons, P.J., Maehler, H. and Maltomini, F. The Vienna Epigrams Papyrus
Payne, M. The Animal Part: Human and Other Animals in the Poetic Imagination
Payne, T. The Ancient Art of Growing Old
Pelling, C. and Wyke, M. Twelve Voices from Greece and Rome: Ancient Ideas for Modern Times
Petrovic, A. and Petrovic, I. Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion Volume I: Early Greek Religion
Pettegrew, D.K. The Isthmus of Corinth: Crossroads of the Ancient World
Pinkster, H. The Oxford Latin Syntax: Part 1:The Simple Clause
Pollitt, J.J. (ed.) The Cambridge History of Painting in the Classical World
Pongratz-Leisten, B. and Sonik, K. (eds.) The Materiality of Divine Agency: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (vol. 8)
Powell, A. (ed.) Hindsight in Greek and Roman History
Powell, B.B. (tr.) Homer: The Odyssey
Powell, B.B. (tr.) Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey: The Essential Books
Price, A.W. Virtue and Reason in Plato and Aristotle
Prince, S.H. Antisthenes Of Athens: Texts, Translations, And Commentary
Randsborg, K. Roman Reflections: Iron Age to Viking Age in Northern Europe
Reitzammer, L. The Athenian Adonia in Context: The Adonis Festival as Cultural Practice
Renshaw, J. In Search of the Greeks
Rhodes, P.J. Thucydides (Ancients in Action)
Richardson, E. Classical Victorians: Scholars, Scoundrels and Generals in Pursuit of Antiquity
Roisman, J. Alexander’s Veterans and the Early Wars of the Successors
Roller, D.W. Ancient Geography: The Discovery of the World in Classical Greece and Rome
Rudich, V. Religious Dissent in Roman Empire: Violence in Judaea at the time of Nero
Rüpke, J. (tr. by Richardson, D. M. B.) Religious Deviance in the Roman World: Superstition or Individuality?
Russell, A. The Politics of Public Space in Republican Rome
Rutherford, R. Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language and Interpretation
Salway, P. Roman Britain: A Very Short Introduction
Salzman, M., Saghy, M. and Testa, R.L (eds.) Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome
Santangelo, F. Marius
Saretta, P. Asiatics in Middle Kingdom Egypt: Perceptions and Reality
Sarris, P. Byzantium—A Very Short Introduction
Schaps, D. The Invention Of Coinage And The Monetization Of Ancient Greece
Scheid, J. (tr. by Clifford Ando) The Gods, The State and the Individual
Schein, S. Homeric Epic and its Reception
Scioli, E. Dream, Fantasy, and Visual Art in Roman Elegy
Sheppard, A. The Poetics of Phantasia: Imagination in Ancient Aesthetics
Silvermintz, D. Protagoras
Slavitt, D. (tr.) Odes: Horace
Smith, C. The Etruscans—A Very Short Introduction
Sorabji, Richard (ed.) Aristotle Transformed
Sorabji, Richard (ed.) Aristotle Reinterpreted
Sorabji, R. Moral Conscience through the Ages
Spencer, R.A. Harry Potter and the Classical World: Greek and Roman Allusions in J.K. Rowling’s Modern Epic
Spivey, N. Classical Civilisation: Greeks and Romans in 10 Chapters
Squire, M. The Iliad in a Nutshell: Visualizing Epic on the Tabulae Iliacae
Stadter, P.A. Plutarch and his Roman Readers
Stahl, H-P. Poetry Underpinning Power: Vergil’s Aeneid: The Epic for the Emperor Augustus: A Recovery Study
Stathakopoulos, D. A Short History of the Byzantine Empire
Stead, H. A Cockney Catullus: The Reception of Catullus in Romantic Britain, 1795-1821
Stead, H. and Hall, E. (eds.) Greek and Roman Classics in the British Struggle for Social Reform
Stephens, S.A. (intro., trans. and comm.) Callimachus: The Hymns
Stocks, C. The Roman Hannibal: Remembering the Enemy in Silius Italicus’ Punica
Stoevesandt, M. ed. Homer’s Iliad VI (The Basel Commentary)
Straumann, B. Roman Law in the State of Nature: The Classical Foundations of Hugo Grotius’ Natural Law
Sturgeon, M.C. Ancient Mediterranean Art in the Ackland Art Museum
Stuttard, D. Greek Mythology: A Travellers’ Guide
Stuttard, D. History of Ancient Greece in Fifty Lives
Sumi, G.S. Ceremony & Power: Performing Politics in Rome between Republic and Empire
Tacoma, L.E. Moving Romans: Migration to Rome in the Principate
Tanfield, C. Virgil: Aeneid X (Selection)
Taplin, O. (tr. with introduction) Sophocles: Four Tragedies: Oedipus the King, Aias, Philoctetes, Oedipus at Colonus
Tarrant, R. Texts, Editors, And Readers: Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism
Thompson, J. Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology 1: From Antiquity to 1881
Thonemann, P. The Hellenistic World: Using Coins as sources
Thonemann, P. The Hellenistic Age
Toner, J. The Ancient World
Torlone, Z.M. Vergil in Russia: National Identity and Classical Reception
Travillian, T.T. Pliny the Elder: The Natural History Book VII (with Book VIII 1-34)
Uzzi, J.D. and Thompson, J. Catullus: An Annotated Translation
Van der Mieroop, M. Philosophy before the Greeks: The Pursuit of Truth in Ancient Babylonia
Van Nortwick, T. Late Sophocles: The Hero’s Evolution in Electra, Philoctetes and Oedipus at Colonus
Vasaly, A. Livy’s Political Philosophy: Power and Personality in Early Rome
Verity, A. (tr.), with intro. and notes by William Allan The Odyssey: Homer
Vickers, M. Aristophanes and Alcibiades: Echoes of Contemporary History in Athenian Comedy
Waite, G. (ed.) A. Barclay: The Famous Cronycle of the Warre which the Romayns had Agaynst Iugurth, Usurper of the Kyngdome of Numidy
Walker, H.J. The Twin Horse Gods: The Dioskouroi in Mythologies in the Ancient World
Walker, M. The Vates Anthology of New Latin Poetry
Wallace, L.M. The Origin of Roman London
Wardle, D. (tr., intro. and historical commentary) Suetonius’ Life of Augustus
Waterfield, R. Demosthenes Selected Speeches
Waterfield, R. Plutarch: Hellenistic Lives—a New Translation
Watson, L.C. and Watson, P. Martial
Watson, W. The Lost Second Book of Aristotle’s Poetics
Welch. K. (ed.) Appian’s Roman History: Empire and Civil War
Werda, L. Vergil’s Political Commentary in the Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid
West, M.L. The Making of the Odyssey
West, R. and Fotherington, L. Cicero: Pro Milone
Whitmarsh, T. Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World
Wilson, A. and Flohr, M. (eds.), Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World
Wijnendale, J.P.W. The Last of the Romans: Bonifatius—Warlord and Comes Africae
Williamson, C. The Laws of the Roman People: Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman Republic
Wilson, E. Seneca—A Life
Winsbury, R. Pliny the Younger: A Life in Roman Letters
Wiseman, P. Julius Caesar
Woodman, A.J. (ed. with Kraus C.) Tacitus: Agricola
Wright, M.R. Introducing Greek Philosophy
Yeroulanos, Marinos A Dictionary of Classical Greek Quotations
Young, E.M. Translation as Muse: Poetic Translation in Catullus’ Rome
Zarecki, J. Cicero’s Ideal Statesman in Theory and Practice
Zilioli, U. (ed.) From the Socratics to the Socratic Schools
Zuiderhoek, A. The Ancient City