The Indices for previous years can be found here:

20162017201820192020: 2022

Contact Dr Peter Jones on [email protected] with any queries.

All the books reviewed in the Reading Room during 2021 are listed here.

Recent Additions:

D'Angour, A. How To Innovate: An Ancient Guide to Creative Thinking. Aristotle

Paga, J.  Building Democracy in Late Archaic Athens

Usher, M.D. How To Be A Farmer: An Ancient Guide to Life on the Land - The Work of Many Hands

Du Quesnay, I. and Woodman, T. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion To Catullus 

Crawford, R. Classical Texts


Alphabetical Listing (2021):

Barbato, M. The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past

Barrett, A.A. Rome is Burning: Nero and the Fire That Ended a Dynasty 

Barringer, J.M.Olympia: A Cultural History

Bartsch, S. The Aeneid - A new translation by Shadi Bartsch: Vergil

Beard, M. Twelve Caesars: Images of Power from the Ancient World to the Modern

Beneker, J. and Tsouvala, G. (eds.) The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World 

Berger, H. (ed. by Risvold, W. and Fuqua, J.B., with Intro by Frank, J.) Couch City: Socrates against Simonides 

Bosher, K.G. Greek Theater in Ancient Sicily 

Bradford, A. War: Antiquity and Its Legacy 

Carter, ASelections from Virgil’s Aeneid Books 7-12: A Student Reader 

Cartledge, P. Thebes: The Forgotten City of Ancient Greece

Chrystal, P. War in Roman Myth and Legend

Cifani, G. The Origins of the Roman Economy: From the Iron Age to the Early Republic in a Mediterranean Perspective 

Collins-Clinton, J. Cosa: The Sculpture and Furnishings in Stone and Marble

Crawford, R. Classical Texts

D'Angour, A. How To Innovate: An Ancient Guide to Creative Thinking. Aristotle

Diggle, J., Fraser, B.L., James, P., Simkin, O.B., Thompson, A.A. and Westripp, S.J. (eds.) The Cambridge Greek Lexicon

Donato, M., Engargiola, C., Gendreau-Distler, E., Hasapis, E., Hendrickson, T.G, Nguyen, J., Pant, S., Podila, S.,  Riordan, A.,  Thompson, O. The Passion Of Perpetua: A Latin Text Of The Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae Et Felicitatis (with running vocabulary and commentary)

Du Quesnay, I. and Woodman, T. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion To Catullus 

Eckardt, H., Walton P.J. Bridge Over Troubled Water: The Roman Finds from the River Tees at Piercebridge in Context 

Elliott, S. Roman Britain's Missing Legion: What Really Happened to IX Hispana?

Fantuzzi, M. (ed. and comm.) Euripides:Rhesus 

Fontaine, M. How to Tell a Joke: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Humor

Forsdyke, S. Slaves and Slavery in Ancient Greece

Fulford, M., Clarke, A. and Durham, E.; edited by Pankhurst, N. Silchester Insula IX: The Claudio-Neronian Occupation of the Iron Age Oppidum

Godwin, J. (ed., trans. and comm.) Juvenal Satires Book V 

Hall, A. The Battle of Mount Badon: Ambrosius, Arthur and the Defence of Britain

Hall, E. and Stead, H. A People’s History Of Classics: Class and Greco-Roman Antiquity in Britain and Ireland 1689 to 1939

Harrison, S. and Pelling, C. (eds.) Classical Scholarship and its History: From the Renaissance to the Present. Essays in honour of Christopher Stray

Hawkins, C. Roman Artisans and the Urban Economy

Hemelrijk, E.A. Women and Society in the Roman WorldA Sourcebook of Inscriptions from the Roman West

Hobden, F. Xenophon

Hopkinson, N. (ed. and trans.) Theocritus, Moschus, Bion

Irby, G.L Using and Conquering the Watery World in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Jonasch, M. (ed.) The Greek Fight for Sicily: Society, Politics, and Landscape 

Kallet, L. and Kroll, J.H. The Athenian Empire: Using Coins as Sources

Kanigel, R. Hearing Homer's Song: The Brief Life and Big Idea of Milman Parry

Keeline, T.J. (ed.) Cicero: pro Milone 

Klavan, S.A. Music in Ancient Greece: Melody, Rhythm and Life

Krisak, L. (trans.), McDonough, C.M. (Introduction and notes) Virgil Aeneid 

Kucewicz, C. The Treatment of the War Dead in Archaic Athens: An Ancestral Custom

Lane Fox, R. The Invention of Medicine 

Leary, T.J. The Wooden Horse: An English version of Virgil Aeneid Book 2

Lloyd, M.E. and Hunt, S. (eds.) Communicative Approaches for Ancient Languages

Lu Hsu, K. The Violent Hero: Heracles in the Greek Imagination

Lynch, Tosca A.C. and RocconiE. (eds.) A Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music

Lytle, E. (ed.) A Cultural History of Work in Antiquity 

Mackenzie, C. Culture and Society at Lullingstone Roman Villa

March, J. (ed., trans, comm.) Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus

McCoskey, D.E. Race: Antiquity and Its Legacy

Mills, S. Drama, Oratory And Thucydides In Fifth-Century Athens: Teaching Imperial Lessons

Mulroy, D. Lysistrata: A New Verse Translation 

Murgatroyd , P. A Reading Of Virgil's Aeneid Book 2: The Fall of Troy

Myers, T. A reply to Donald Lateiner's review of Homer’s Divine Audience: The Iliad’s Reception on Mount Olympus (15 January 2020)

Paga, J.  Building Democracy in Late Archaic Athens

Pangle, L.S.  Reason and Character: The Moral Foundations of Aristotelian Political Philosophy

Pangle, L.S. Virtue is Knowledge: The Moral Foundations of Socratic Political Philosophy

Perale, M. Adespota Papyracea Hexametra Graeca: Hexameters of Unknown or Uncertain Authorship from Graeco-Roman Egypt, Vol. 1

Piantanida, C. Sappho and Catullus in Twentieth-Century Italian and North American Poetry

Pollard, N. Bombing Pompeii: World Heritage & Military Necessity

Powell, A. and Debnar, P. (eds.) Thucydides and Sparta

Rahe, P. Sparta’s Second Attic War: The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta, 446-418 BC

Rippon, S. Kingdom, Civitas, and County: The Evolution of Territorial Identity in the English Landscape

Riva, C. A Short History of the Etruscans

Roisman, H.M. Tragic Heroines In Ancient Greek Drama

Rosenblitt, J.A. Rome after Sulla

Rous, S.A. Reset in Stone: Memory and Reuse in Ancient Athens

Sansone, D. (ed.) Plato Menexenus

Sens, A. (editor) Hellenistic Epigrams: A Selection

Shear, J. L.  Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities

Smith, J.C. Themistocles 

Sommerstein, A.H. Menander: Epitrepontes

Stuttard, D. Phoenix: A Father, A Son, And The Rise Of Athens 

Swallow, P. and Hall, E. (eds.) Aristophanic Humour: Theory and Practice

Sydenham, C. Latin Verse Challenges

Symonds, M. Hadrian's Wall: Creating Division

Syvänne, I. Military History of Late Rome 457-518

Thomas, Oliver (ed.) The Homeric Hymn to Hermes 

Treggiari, S. Servilia and her family

Trivigno, F.V, Plato's Ion: Poetry, Expertise, and Inspiration

Usher, M.D. How To Be A Farmer: An Ancient Guide to Life on the Land - The Work of Many Hands

Williams, I. Catullus: Shibari Carmina

Womack, P. How To Teach Classics To Your Dog: A Quirky Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans

Worman, N. Tragic Bodies: Edges Of the Human in Greek Drama